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37 - Burgdorf, Bern, Schweiz

I'm calm, friendly, educated, attractive and sporty. I would like to meet a Lady who is open and available to...

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After a journey filled with ups and downs, I am thrilled to say that I have found the person who makes my heart soar. Finding a partner on your site has been a serendipitous adventure, and I want to express my deepest appreciation for providing the platform that led me to this extraordinary connection... Your platform has been instrumental in bringing two hearts together, and for that, I am truly grateful...I wish everyone still on this journey the very best in finding their special someone. May love continue to flourish on your platform, connecting hearts just as it did for me.
Michael, 29 Januar 2024
Ibe been looking for love for a very long time. Searching both online and in real life. But i recently met with someone from this site and he is a real gentleman and things are good between the two of us. Soon we'll get engaged
Anon, 18 Juni 2023